City-breakers boost business across NewcastleGateshead

As the region bids farewell to the Rugby World Cup, with an estimated direct economic impact of £43m (indirect impact £93m)1, tourism bosses have reported a further boost to the visitor economy with figures released today showing more people visited NewcastleGateshead last year compared to 2013, contributing £1.42bn to the local economy (+1%).

Overall 17.6m people visited NewcastleGateshead in 2014. While day visitors continue to make up the majority share, the number of overnight stays has increased to 4.5 million nights (+2%), contributing £439m. The average spend per day of an overnight visitor is more than three times higher than that of a day visitor at almost £177.
Estimated using the Scarborough Tourism Economic Activity Model (STEAM)2, the figures show a significant increase in the value and volume of overnight visitors in particular. 1.9 million people spent 4.5 million nights in the destination, injecting £439 million into the economy, all of which represents a 2% increase on 2013.
Sarah Stewart, chief executive at destination management and marketing organisation, NewcastleGateshead Initiative, said: “Last year, Newcastle was voted the UK’s favourite city-break destination by readers of the Guardian, the welcome we have shown Rugby fans from across the world in the last fortnight, alongside the visitor figures we have seen for 2014, certainly emphasise that point. It is particularly good news that the number of overnight visitors has continued to increase, as the breadth and variety of NewcastleGateshead’s accommodation continues to grow and provide more choice.
“One of the unique parts of our Rugby World Cup 2015 experience was Conversion Festival, a nine day celebration of rugby, arts and culture. We are now looking ahead to Juice Festival later this month and NewcastleGateshead Winter Festival. These experiences alongside an evolving food, drink & nightlife offer, which has seen a recent explosion in new restaurants, including the Michelin Star winning House of Tides combine to provide a desirable year-round offer for visitors to NewcastleGateshead.”
STEAM Headlines
• 17.6 million people visited NewcastleGateshead in 2014.  This was up by 1% on 2013.
• The number of days visitors spent in the destination also grew compared to 2013 (1%) at 20.2 million visitor days.
• Visitor expenditure in NewcastleGateshead now stands at £1.42 billion, up by 1% on 2013.
• The number of people directly employed in tourism in NewcastleGateshead in 2014 stood at 14,970, consistent with 2013.  When indirect employment in the supply chain is taken into account, total employment stands at 19,003, again consistent with 2013.
• The number of overnight visitors to NewcastleGateshead stands at 1.9 million, with these visitors spending 4.5 million nights (+2%) in the destination. These visitors spend £439 million, also up by 2% on 2013.
• The average spend per trip by overnight visitors is £176.88 compared to £168.27 in 2013, while the average spend per day visitor is £46.60 compared to £45.35 in 2013.
• The Food and Drink sector accounts for 33% of all expenditure and 37% of all employment.
For media enquiries contact:
Shelley Armstrong
Media & PR Manager
T. +44 (0)191 440 5739
M. +44 (0)7717 631 109
Notes to editors:
1. Rugby World Cup 2015 figures estimated as part of an independent economic impact report –
2. STEAM is a tourism economic impact model operated by Global Tourism Solutions (UK) ltd, providing monthly and annual estimates on the value, volume and impact of tourism in the area.
NewcastleGateshead Initiative is a destination management and marketing agency; a public-private partnership supported by Gateshead and Newcastle City Councils, working with around 170 private sector partner organisations across NewcastleGateshead and the wider region
NewcastleGateshead Initiative is supported by a board offering expertise from a range of sectors and professions. We also work with a wide range of partners, stakeholders and businesses, who share our ambition to inspire people to visit and to live, learn, work and invest in NewcastleGateshead.
o Our marketing & communications team works to promote and position NewcastleGateshead as a vibrant tourism destination, through targeted campaigns nationally and internationally. Our visitor information team helps ensure visitors have the best possible experience when they’re here, providing information and support.
o Our cultural programming team work with partners across the destination to bring together NewcastleGateshead’s cultural offer and deliver some of our most popular festival & events, including EAT! NewcastleGateshead, Juice Festival and the NewcastleGateshead Winter Festival.
o Our Convention Bureau uses local knowledge and expertise to help organise conferences, meetings or events in NewcastleGateshead and the surrounding area. It provides a free service including, venue sourcing and accommodation booking, to arranging transport and entertainment for delegates
o Our inward investment team helps businesses locate, expand and flourish in NewcastleGateshead, providing a range of services to make it easy to realise their ambitions for growth