Investor development support underway

Our Invest Newcastle team, has been working hard over the last few months to build connections and foster an environment of support with foreign owned businesses in the city, thanks to some dedicated funding from DIT (Dept. for International Trade). The programme, which focuses on investor development, seeks to ensure these organisations continue to expand their operations locally, creating new jobs and safeguarding existing roles – in turn demonstrating Newcastle is seen as vibrant and ‘can do’ place to do business.

Newcastle is home to a large number of foreign owned companies and in addition, has seen a growing number of acquisitions of indigenous businesses by foreign ownership – with dedicated account management and strategic intervention the team have been able to provide support to ensure jobs growth takes place within the region.

The project is led by Senior Investment Manager, Ciara Small and has been running since the beginning of October. In that time, she has met with over 20 local foreign-owned companies in order to understand their position both generally, and more specifically in a post Brexit economic landscape. In response, Ciara is working to provide tailored support specific to each organisation’s needs – including but not limited to, introductions to relevant professional & knowledge networks; recruitment, skills and training advice; research; relocation support; funding advice and PR.

As a result of outcomes seen so far, Ciara is specifically working to help businesses understand the upcoming Apprenticeship Levy and how their business can benefit from the reforms. If you would be interested in attending our upcoming apprenticeship levy event please contact: