Sustainability policy

As the visitor economy and inward investment agency that delivers for Newcastle, Gateshead and the wider region, NGI’s mission is to inspire people to visit, live, learn, work, and invest here. We do this to benefit local communities, creating jobs and opportunities, and contributing towards the preservation and regeneration of our places, culture and heritage. We play our part in delivering the region’s sustainable and inclusive ambitions, creating a world-class, distinctive destination today and for future generations.

Through consultation with local, regional and national government, local businesses, residents and other stakeholders, we have identified a picture of success for a sustainable future, a region where:

  • Businesses prosper, innovate and generate wealth for the community​.
  • Business operates in harmony with and restores nature​.
  • Local cultures thrive; communities are resilient and welcome the world​.
  • Inward investment is sustainable, supporting positive impacts for our people, our places and our planet.
  • Tourism and investment catalyses development of infrastructure and services that supports wellbeing and mobility of the community.
  • Visitor economy jobs are coveted and inclusive of a diverse mix of people and cultures​.
  • Visitors are transformed by a range of authentic and regenerative experiences.