New Partners
Since June we are delighted to have welcomed four new bronze level partners; Staffords Co, NOF Energy, The Mix Event Collective and Road to Recovery Trust. As well as two new silver level partners Shout Digital and Pride Media Centre. We look forward to working with them all in the coming months.
Partner Update Meeting
Our second Partner Update Meeting of the year was hosted by Climb Newcastle at The Valley Climbing Centre on 6 June for all of our partners. We heard about major achievements over the past six months and project/opportunities for the rest of the year. Our Chairman, John Marshall hosted the event which covered a wide range of the work NGI is involved with. We had really positive feedback from attendees with 100% of attendees finding the event worthwhile.
Earlier this month we sent an e-mail out to all of our partners to let you know that we’re updating the way we keep in touch to ensure you’re always up to date with all of the goings on at NGI, and don’t miss out on opportunities to get involved. To make sure we’re sending you all of the news you want to hear please take a minute to update your preferences by Monday 2 September and let us know which of the following you’d like to receive:
- NGI News and Opportunities (including The Initiative and a monthly opportunities newsletter)
- News from Partners (including Your Network)
- Promotions and offers from carefully chosen third party organisations
Our next meeting
Our next partner meeting will be our Business Leaders’ Briefing exclusively for gold and silver level partners at PROTO: The Emerging Technology Centre in Gateshead on 3 October 2019. The topic will focus on ‘collaborate to innovate’ and invitations are in the post so please keep an eye out.
As ever, please get in touch with your key contact, or, if you have ideas of how we can work together.